Chancadora giratoria de la serie GC
Chancadora de mandíbula de la serie JC
Chancadora de cono de la serie CC
Chancadora de cono multicilíndrico de la serie MC
Chancadora de impacto de la serie HS
Chancadora de impacto de eje vertical de la serie VS
Zaranda elástica flip-flop NFS
Zaranda tipo banana MLS-B
Zaranda hidráulica de alta frecuencia HFS/V
Zaranda vibratoria circular de la serie YKR-H/SK
Zaranda vibratoria lineal de la serie ZKR
Zaranda vibratoria serie con excitador NJ
Zaranda vibratoria de la serie YKR / ZKR-NJ
Zaranda elíptica con autosincronización de la serie MOS
Planta de chancado (trituración) de neumáticos de la serie MP
Planta de chancado (trituración) sobre orugas de la serie MT
Planta de fabricación de arena de la serie MSP
Alimentador Grizzly de la serie GPF
Alimentador Grizzly de la serie HPF
Alimentador de vibración inercial autosincronizado de la serie GZG
Se fija en NMS, se publican las últimas noticas de NMS para que conozca la información tridimensional más rápida, calificada, abundante y se expresa la posición de NMS.
In the past five years, NMS has initiated a number of nuclear power construction techniques in the world by designing, installing and operating the aggregates & sand production line of Karachi K-2/K-3 Project of China Nuclear Industry Zhongyuan Engineering Corp.( CZEC)
On December 16, 2019, Yi Lianhong, Governor of Jiangxi Province presided over a symposium to listen to the opinions and suggestions from experts and scholars on how to do a good job in government work, so as to further enhance the government's administrative capability and accelerate the high-quality and leapfrog development of Jiangxi. NMS General Manager Gong Youliang attended the symposium as a representative from corporates.
On December 16-17,2019, NMS Second Session of the First Staff Conference and Second Session of the First Labor Union Conference was held on the third floor of NMS Administration Office Building, which fully opened the prelude of NMS employees fully participating in the decision-making process of corporate management, operation and supervision. President Li Shunshan and General Manager Gong Youliang attended the conference. The successful convening of the conference symbolized the party organization of NMS has a more powerful support force and all employees feel a stronger sense of belonging and have a practical way to take ownership of the company.